CompCorrect Is Not Just A Software Program.
While the software manages the claim process we know that knowing the right thing to do and getting your insurance carrier to do it are two different things. That’s why we also include the following services to each and every one of our customers:
Every claim is assigned a CompCorrector to manage the claim process, check for errors and work with your carrier to make sure every outcome it optimized.
Loss Control
While the CompCorrect system is focused on post loss mitigation we know that reducing claims is important too. The CompCorrect team can help to update safety procedures, reduce risk and be prepared for OSHA inspections.
An expert in house legal team that helps to manage claims that go beyond the typical claims process. Our in house legal team has also hand selected outside council that understand the CompCorrect system for the rare occasion claims require it.
Ready to see how much you’d save with CompCorrect?